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The names of the 437 Libyan deportees who died on the Tremiti Archipelago between 1911 and 1912 are engraved on a plate situated on the right side of the Mausoleum.

The picture depicts the religious symbols that were part of the original monument, comprising a minaret with a crescent on top of it. The minaret tower has collapsed due to adverse weather conditions and now rests on the grass surrounding the…

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The monument was erected in 2000 and funded by the ISIAO (Italian Institue for Africa and the Orient).
The plaque reads: 'In memory of the Libyans confined deceased in Favignana 1911-1919'

The monument was erected in 2000 and funded by the ISIAO (Italian Institue for Africa and the Orient).
The plaque reads: 'In memory of the Libyans confined deceased in Favignana 1911-1919'

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The signpost reads 'in memory of the Libyans deceased on the Tremiti [islands]'. The Tremity City Council


The monument was erected in 2006 to commemorate the Libyan deportees deceased on the Tremiti islands between 1911 and 1912, upon the initiative of the ISIAO (Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient), in collaboration with the Tremiti City…

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The centenary of the first deportation was commemorated through a public event on the island of Ponza. At the end of the event, the names of the 36 Libyan deportees deceased on the island were read aloud in the Arabic language.

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The monument was erected in October 2002 by the island's cemetery. The monument is in a slightly remote location within the cemeterial space. It is disconnected from catholic graves, yet it is not to far away from the monument commemorating the…

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