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(Picture by Carlo Marcone) Recent picture of the building, showing that the banner Chiesa Cristiana Evangelica (Christian Evangelic Church) has been removed, while the signpost indicating 'work in progress' is still there. There is a project to…

Entrance to Former Dormitory Building (Ponza),named 'Cameroni dei Confinati' (Exiles' Dorm Rooms), after the anti-fascist individuals that were sent to confinement on the island between 1928 and 1943. The Dormitory Building was used to host Libyan…

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The building was used as a hospital site for Libyan deportees.Ponza was mainly used as a quarantine site to contain the spread of diseases among Libyan deportees in the other islands.Upon a period of health monitoring, deportees would be sent to…

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The yellow building was among the buildings used as a dormitory for Libyan deportees.

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Historical research shows that the military prison had already been used to detain prisoners from the colony before the arrival of Libyan deportees in 1911. Between 1890 and 1891, at laest five Eritrean citizens were sent to Gaeta to serve their…

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Entrace to sectors A, B and C (usually not open to the public). It is highly likely that Libyan deportees were detained in this area.

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Aerial view of sectors A,B and C of the former military prison in Gaeta. The first group of Libyan deportees was taken to the prison on the 5th of November 1911. The group comprised of 678 people, including 68 women and 67 under 7 children.

The graffiti (2022) represents the Madonna of the Rosary with tunas,pierced by a dugger. The wall surrounds the Caste of San Giacomo, which was originally built between the XI and the XII century, to then be converted into penal colony by the…

The main cameroni on the island of San Nicola were used to detain Libyan deportees between 1911 and 1912. Between 1927 and 1943, the island of San Nicola was also used by the Fascist regime as a police exile site for hundreds of political opponents…

The building at the centre, now a restaurant, was a camerone (dorm room) used to detain Libyan deportees (among other prisoners)
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